Begin Keyboarding...

Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, January 12, 2010 | , ,

One of the most valuable skills that people need in todays workforce [and in college] is proper keyboarding.  In the business world nearly every job requires some sort of computer use -- and being able to do so more quickly makes you a more valuable employee.  In college if you have to write a 6000 word paper and you type 10 words per minute, you can expect to be typing for 600 minutes [or 10 hours]... but if you can type 60 words per minute you will type approximately 100 minutes... or about an hour and a half.  Obviously learning proper keyboarding techniques is important.

If our computers handle the typing program properly [if they save our daily typing scores in Thawspace], I am hoping to be able to certify your typing speed by the end of the year.  Entering the work force with a typing certificate greatly improves your odds of being hired for many jobs.

To begin with, go to:

  • Create a new account with your First and Last name
    (Check capitalization because it will print on your certificate)
  • Begin working through the first section (the top-left corner)

Class Syllabus