IMPORTANT: This will be the first grade of your 2nd Semester. This assignment counts toward your grade.
Today we will be completing a "Personality Test":
Please go to:
- Sign up for an account
Use your school-related email address - Take both of the tests
1. "Personality Types"
2. "Multiple Intelligences") - Click "My Account"
- Click on your profile page link
Mine is: - Click your Full ____ Profile (mine is INFP)
- Create a title (I used the "INFP - The Dreamer" from the top of the page)
- Copy the top paragraph explaining your personality type and paste in a new Word document
- Copy your "Details" and paste into your Word document
- Copy your "Career Matches" and paste into your Word document
- Copy three quotes from the "About the ____" section and paste into your Word document
- Format your document so that it looks nice and is well organized
- Save your document as Personality Types
- Print and turn in your document