Ladies and Gentlemen,
Unfortunately I had a death in my family and will be out on Friday [and probably Monday]. As I instructed today, we are finishing our portfolio's this week. Please use your extra time (the weekend and Monday) to fine-tune your portfolio. You can correct errors, reformat essays, reprint corrected letters, etc. It may also be a good time to use the Internet to track down addresses of former employers, people you have volunteered for, parents you have babysat for etc. Use this time to get ready for the real world -- because it's coming at you at warp speed.
I will be collecting and grading all portfolios next Tuesday (June 15th). You will know what your grade for the course is going to be by next Friday (June 18th).
If your portfolio is completely ready for grading and you have everything done for this class, I suggest using your time to study for your finals in other classes.
If you have questions or concerns about your portfolio or your grade, please feel free to email me. I will be checking my email regularly over the next few days.
Please respect the substitute teacher.
Portfolios are due this Friday, June 4th. They should be in a nice binder [which you would feel comfortable bringing to an interview] and include sheet protectors.
Some of the things I will be looking for in your portfolio include:
- Title Page
- Résumé
- References List
- Cover Letters (Referral, Cold Contact, and Ad Response)
- Follow-Up Letter (to a job application)
- Thank You Letter (for an interview)
- Sample Application
- Summary of Skills and Experience
- Typing Certificate
- Letter of Recommendation
- Handshake Etiquette Handout
- Interview Types
- Interview Preparation (and dress code)
- Interviews: Questions to ask during an interview
- 25 Most Common Interview Questions
- 25 Most Common Interview Mistakes
- Awards / Certificates (any you have received)
- Extra copies of your résumé
Always Ask Questions During an Interview
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, May 26, 2010 | InterviewingWhenever a company employs your services, you are entering an economic relationship or partnership with that organization. As with any type of “relationship”, both parties will be satisfied as long as it is mutually beneficial for both. Since you are entering into a partnership, it is important that you learn as much as you can about the other party. One way to accomplish this is through asking questions.
Think for a moment about your personal relationships. When they were in the formative stages, did you ask questions? What would your opinion be of someone who never asked you questions about yourself? Chances are good, your impression would be that individual is not too interested in me. If you do not ask questions during the interview, the interviewer may have that same perception of you.
Today we will type up some questions that you should ask in an interview. Save and print these for your portfolio.
First Impressions most important
You have heard it said, “First impressions make lasting impressions”. This is very true whenever we meet someone for the first time. Typically, when we meet someone, we “take him or her in” on two different levels, the analytical and the intuitive.
The analytical is what we think of an individual. The intuitive is how we feel about an
individual. The same dynamics described above are also found in the interview. We
need to be aware of first impressions and how we can use them to our full advantage.
Communications Skills
To help you to make a positive first impression in the interview, let’s examine the importance of communication skills. The three forms of communications skills we will examine are your body language, speaking, and listening.
Body Language
Both your words and your behavior will affect whether you establish a connection with the interviewer. When you meet the potential employer or human resources officer, you will want to show that you are confident, trusting, open, attentive, and eager, but restrained.
All of this can be communicated in a handshake. Make sure that your hand is about perpendicular to the floor. If you extend your hand with your palm facing down, you indicate that you need to be in control-something that can be off-putting in an interview scenario. If you extend your hand with your palm facing up, you can appear overly docile. Try extending your hand with your palm relatively flat, so that you offer to make full contact with the other person's hand. If you cup your hand, you indicate that you mistrust the other person.
Your posture throughout the interview indicates whether you are open and attentive, or somehow withdrawn from the interviewer. Leaning back shows boredom or sometimes insolence. It is better to sit up straight and lean forward just slightly, facing the interviewer directly. Crossing your arms in front of you may indicate that you are somehow defensive, whether from insecurity or mistrust. Try to keep your arms open, even if your legs are crossed.
Eye contact is crucial. Look the person in the eye when you are speaking and listening. To avoid giving the interviewer the impression that you are boring through him with your transfixed gaze, take breaks and look away to the right or left.
The following are some basic tips on being a good listener:
- Give your full attention to the interviewer. Don’t look out the window or at what else is going on in the room.
- Let the interviewer finish a question before you begin to talk. When you interrupt, it looks like you aren't listening, even if you really are.
- Ask questions. If you are not sure you understand what the interviewer has said, just ask. It is a good idea to repeat in your own words what the interviewer said so that you can be sure your understanding is correct.
- Give feedback. Sit up straight and look directly at the interviewer. Now and then, nod to show that you understand. At appropriate points you may also smile, frown, laugh, or be silent. These are all ways to let the interviewer know that you are really listening. Remember, you listen with your face as well as your ears!
A common perception of job interviews is that the interviewer controls the interview. Remember, you interview as equals. The object is not to control or be controlled but to find a mutually advantageous situation for bot h parties. An interview can be defined as having a conversation. As in any conversation, there is a certain give and take in the process. Anytime you speak, whether in an interview or daily communication, you control the direction of the conversation. Observe this point in your own daily conversations. Typically, we flow from one subject to another. The same can be said in the interview process. If in the interview, we find ourselves in an area uncomfortable to us, we can guide the conversation away from that subject.
Here are some basic tips to remember when speaking in a job interview:
- Look at the interviewer. Communication is a two-way process. Always make steady eye contact with the interviewer.
- Ask questions. A good way to capture the interviewer’s attention is to ask a question.
- Speak slowly and loudly.
- If you are not a native speaker of English, do not feel embarrassed about your accent when you answer questions in an interview. Feel proud that by communicating in a second language, you are exhibiting a talent that many of your competitors may lack.
Assess your strengths and weaknesses
You will need to spend some time assessing your own strengths and weaknesses. For each area of strength you should be able to demonstrate (provide examples) of how it was developed and utilized. As for your areas of weakness, you have to know what you are doing to improve in that area. It is advisable to list on a sheet of paper all your skills, abilities, accomplishments and weaknesses and be able to provide examples from your past experience as to how you developed, utilized or improved these qualities. Relating your areas of strength to the required qualifications is a key factor in gaining the interviewers attention.
Study the position available
Review your understanding about the type of work/position you will be interviewed for. If you are interviewing for a marketing position, be aware of the typical job duties/responsibilities for that position as well as the required qualification to perform the job tasks. If you are not clear about the nature of the position you will be interviewed for, make sure to use your network of contacts to help you develop a better understanding
of the job.
Research the company
Find out as much as possible about the employer. Learn about the company from its website, annual reports, brochures, and other similar sources. You should be able to know the company’s exact name, history, purpose, services/products, major competitors, approximate number of employees, where its branches are located and its future prospects.
Know the dress code
Did you know that approximately 60% of job applicants are screened out because their appearance does not fit the organizational image? You should dress like other employees in the organization. If you are well-groomed and neatly dressed, your appearance will inspire a basic confidence in your work habits.
Bring appropriate materials
Take along additional copies of your resume, a list of questions to ask about the organization and position, a portfolio (if applicable), a pen and a pad of paper on which you can make a few notes to yourself. Make sure to note on a piece of paper the name of the interviewer, company address, and telephone number in case of emergency.
Find interview location ahead of appointment
Be sure to get specific directions for getting there. Repeat the directions and make sure they are correct. It is even better if you can make a “dry run” to determine the exact location prior to the meeting. You need to find out the approximate travel time to the interview location, check out the best route and parking locations. Make sure that you arrive 5-10 minutes before the interview.
Dress for success
- Traditional business attire, i.e. navy blue or gray suit or sports coat and nice slacks, and a long sleeved pressed dress shirt.
- Ties should be silk and coordinate well with the suit. Avoid any flashy or “theme” ties such as ties with cartoon characters or seasonal events.
- Jewelry should be limited to one ring per hand a dress watch. No earrings, and of course, no visible body piercings!
- Cover any obvious tattoos.
- Shoes should be polished and leather dress shoes in black, dark burgundy or brown are best. Socks should match suit color.
- Hair neatly combed and clean. Facial hair well groomed as well.
- Avoid wearing too much cologne or after-shave.
- Well manicured nails.
- Conservative business suit, dress or pants suit. Most appropriate colors are blue, gray, black or tan. Blouse color should be white or any complimentary colors.
- Jewelry should be modest with one ring per finger, earrings no longer than ½ inch and necklace, and no visible body piercings!
- Cover any obvious tattoos.
- Avoid excessively long fingernails. Your nail polish should be a subtle color and applied neatly.
- Shoes should have no more than 2-inch heels and should complement your outfit.
- Your hair should be well groomed and clean.
- Avoid wearing too much cologne, perfume, or make-up.
It is very common to worry about something unfavorable occurring at the interview, but don’t allow yourself to worry too much. When you find yourself having negative thoughts, visualize yourself having a highly successful interview. This would be an interview where you are in control and performing your best. If you would like to further your relaxation try a deep breathing exercise such as inhaling through your nose for 4 slow seconds, holding your breath for 4 slow seconds and exhaling through the mouth for 8 long seconds. Try doing this three times before the interview. (but not in the interview itself).
Approaching the interview
In approaching the interview, keep in mind that you are really approaching a potential “customer”. Think of yourself as your own sales representative. You will be presenting the benefits of what services you have to offer. The decision to work for a particular company should be based on a mutual benefit to both parties.
Before we go into interviewing dynamics, let’s review the various types of interview settings so you will know what to expect from each one. Most interviews are conducted with the interviewer and interviewee sitting across from each other. However, there are other types of interview scenarios that you will want to become familiar with, some which are fast becoming very common.
Telephone Interview
A telephone interview is the first step in the interview process. It is a screening process. Usually, a company will contact you and schedule a time to interview you by telephone. However, you should always be prepared for the possibility that the initial telephone contact may be the actual telephone interview. Either way, read the following tips to ensure your own telephone interviewing success.
- Have a cheat sheet accessible and near the telephone. Keep your resume or list of achievements handy as a reminder of topics you want to cover.
- Find a quiet place to have the telephone conversation and by all means, ignore the call waiting.
- Stand-up for the first several minutes of the interview. When you stand, you speak with more authority, and sound confident. Do not speak in a monotone voice. Remember, this is a conversation. Do not chew gum, smoke cigarettes, eat or drink anything while on the telephone.
- Be an active participant in the conversation. If the interviewer is extremely talkative, you can show interest by answering with a “yes” or “I see.” Demonstrate enthusiasm in your voice and smile. The interviewer will readily notice this enthusiasm.
A panel interview is a formalized setting with three or more individuals in attendance who are prepared to interview a job candidate at the same time. This is a fairly common interviewing technique for positions in education and government. Often times, for those being interviewed in this setting, it can be somewhat intimidating. To reduce your level of anxiety, keep the following in mind:
- Obtain business cards if possible from each participant of the panel interview. You will want to place these cards on the table in front of you, in accordance to where they are sitting on the panel. This will help you to remember their names.
- Use visualization to put yourself in a relaxed frame of mind immediately upon entering the room. It helps if you can picture the interviewers in costume or disguise.
- Answer each question to the best of your ability. Remember, you can only answer one question at a time. Be inclusive in answering your questions. Make eye contact with all members of the panel when answering any question.
The purpose behind the behavioral interview is to make the interviewing process as objective as possible. To achieve this, the interview questions are designed by a psychologist in order to identify particular personality types. The interview questions are open-ended, requiring an elaboration of an answer relating to your work experience. Questions can also deal with ethical or hypothetical dilemmas or situations. The
interviewer will write down or record your answer verbatim. In a more “traditional interview”, you will also find some open-ended questions. Either way, in a behavioral interview, all questions are recorded in some way.
Reflect on the contributions you have made in your work history, especially where there is measurable or noticeable change. Later on, we will discuss a formula called the 3 Whats. This formula provides a framework for answering behavioral related questions.
Situation Interview
In a situation interview, the work environment is artificially created. It can be something as common as a typing test, or something more elaborate requiring you to spend a good portion of the day in the work environment. The purpose of situation interviewing is for the company to get a good idea of how you would actually react in certain work situations. In many instances, a group or individual will observe you
performing your work. For example, you may be asked to develop a procedure or method, solve a hypothetical problem, write a proposal, or give a presentation. Situation interviews are becoming more common because of the number of individuals misrepresenting themselves on a resume. This type of interview assists the interviewer in observing whether the candidate actually possesses the required skills and/or experiences required.
Meal Interview
You may be asked to go to a luncheon meeting with a prospective employer. This is a less formal method for employers to interview potential employees. Normally, if you make it this far, the odds are in your favor that you will probably be hired for the job. However, it is still an interview nonetheless and a certain precaution should be followed. Here are some helpful tips for meal interviewing:
- You will probably be asked to order first. Once you’ve ordered, don’t change your mind on the food item. This could make you appear to be indecisive.
- Order menu items that are priced in the “middle of the road” and are not “sloppy” foods.
- Avoid alcohol. If drinks are ordered, politely decline or “nurse” a drink.
Individuals facing a job interview often find the process itself to be more challenging than finding the job itself. A job interview is an employer’s opportunity to assess you and your opportunity to evaluate the employer. In reality, you both want to know if you and the job’s requirements match, if you are motivated to succeed in this assignment, and if your and the employer’s values and styles mesh. When you are invited for an interview, be prepared to give the best interview you can. We’ve included information below on the types of interviews, as well as the most common questions you can expect to be asked in any interview. Keep in mind that an interview is really just an exchange of information. In other words, interviewing is formalized conversation. We say “formalized” because we do not want to use any language that would be considered inappropriate or in bad taste.
Portfolio Cover Page and Updated Résumé
Posted by Robert Griffith | Friday, May 21, 2010 | careers, Cover Letter, Employment, Jobs, PortfolioToday we will be creating a portfolio cover page. As I have said, you probably won't be leaving your portfolio with prospective employers [if you do, keep a backup of everything] but a cover page will keep your portfolio looking professional.
Requirements for the cover page:
- NAME (all caps)
- e-mail address (something appropriate... not underlined)
- Date (i.e. February 26th, 2010) -- You can update this as you update your portfolio
- Font and size may vary depending on your own personal style
Also, make sure you are uploading all of your documents (résumé, cover letters, etc.) to Google Documents and/or emailing them to yourself. This makes it a LOT more convenient in the future when you need to apply for a position.
Download and edit the following "Summary of Skills and Experience"
Today we discussed the importance of "cover letters" (see previous post). I gave every student a packet containing three (3) cover letter examples, including a referral, a cold contact, and a personalized ad response. The packet also included a sample follow-up letter.
Your task today is to begin writing these letters using your own name, address, and phone number as well as the name and address of a company for which you would like to work. Do not simply copy the letters -- you are creating letters that are personalized about you.
We will have today and tomorrow to write the four letters.
When finished, print, sign, and turn in your letters. Next, log into your Google/Gmail account and go to "Documents" (Google Docs). Upload your letters, résumé, and references to your Google Docs space so you can access them later.
Remember, you are getting points for turning the letters in this week, but you are also going to be putting these into your portfolio (which we will be grading next week).
Seriously Looking at Cover Letters
Posted by Robert Griffith | Sunday, May 16, 2010 | Cover Letter, RésuméCOVER LETTERS
Never submit any resume without a cover letter. The cover letter is a brief introduction to your resume. It is a way for you to convey particular information about yourself that may not be covered in a resume. Cover letters can be prepared in a variety of ways to accomplish different tasks. A cover letter can be targeted t oward a particular job posting, a networking opportunity, or a cold mailing. Let’s look first at some
basic “do’s” and “don’ts” in writing cover letters. (Note that these are recommendations from one author and not intended as the "only way")
Cover Letter “Do’s”
- Address your letter to a specific individual.
- Send an original letter to each employer.
- Use simple language, action verbs, and keep it brief and to the point. Eliminate all unnecessary words and be sure to check for any repetitive wording.
- Write targeted cover letters that are unique to each situation.
- Refer to the job requirements and relate them to your skill set.
- Keep your letter brief and never go beyond one page! Each paragraph should have three to four sentences at the most.
- Tell the employer how you can meet his or her needs and contribute to the company.
- Refer to specific achievements and accomplishments and set yourself apart from other job seekers.
- Make sure your letter answers the question that the employer will be asking while reading your letter: “Why should I hire this person?”
- Never bring any negative tone into a cover letter.
- Be sure you are providing all contact information, such as home phone, cell phone, and email address.
- Keep any e-mailed cover letter shorter and more concise than a letter being postal mailed.
- Don’t send a resume without a cover letter.
- Don’t use a sexist salutation, such as “Gentlemen” when answering a blind ad.
- Don’t waste your first paragraph by writing a boring introduction. Use the first paragraph to grab the employer's attention; give the employer the reasons you are qualified for the position.
- Don’t use such clichés as “Enclosed please find my resume” or “As you can see on my resume enclosed herewith.” Employers can see that your resume is enclosed; they don’t need you to tell them. Such trite phrases just waste precious space. And don't use pleonasms (wordy phrases), which also waste space.
- Don’t depend on the employer to take action. Request action. Request an interview, and tell the employer when you will follow up to arrange it. Then, Do So. It is imperative that you follow up. You will greatly increase your chances of getting interviews if you call the employer after writing instead of sitting back and waiting for a call. Those who wait for the employer to call them will generally have a long wait.
- Don’t send a cover letter that contains any typos, misspellings, incorrect grammar or punctuation, smudges, or grease from yesterday’s lunch.
- Don’t rehash your resume. You can use your cover letter to highlight the aspects of your resume that are relevant to the position, but you’re wasting precious space -- and the potential employer’s time -- if you simply repeat your resume.
- Don't forget to personally sign the letter, preferably in black ink.
Why are you writing - Let the reader know what has prompted you to communicate with them. Was it something you read or heard, if so, paraphrase the content. If your correspondence is in regards to an advertisement, clearly indicate what position you are applying for and where the advertisement was found.
Promise a benefit - Specify special skills, training, or educational experience that may increase the reader’s interest in you. Cite a particular example of a recent accomplishment in a way that will wet the reader’s appetite and help him/her see the benefits that you can bring to the company.
Refer to your particular interest in an organization - Here is an opportunity for you to tell them where your special skills can best be put to use. Through the use of words, create a picture that will actually assist the reader in imagining you as a member of their team.
The closing - This area provides the writer with an opportunity to control further communication and follow through between the writer and the recipient. Always make certain to request an interview. Give an approximate time in which you will contact the company. Never ask them to contact you at their convenience (with exception to executive recruiters and blind ads).
Although a cover letter is not intended to land you the job, it most definitely can either increase or hurt your chances of your resume being read.
As we have been discussing since January, your portfolio is the major project of this semester. Most of what we have been doing has been leading up to this project.
Some of the things I will be looking for in your portfolio include:
- Title Page
- Résumé
- Cover Letters (Referral, Cold Contact, and Ad Response)
- Follow-Up Letter (to a job application)
- Thank You Letter (for an interview)
- Sample Application / Summary of Skills and Experience
- Typing Certificate
- Letter of Recommendation
- Handshake Etiquette Handout
- Interviewing Types
- Interview Prep
- Interviews: Questions to ask during an interview
- 25 Most Common Interview Questions
- 25 Most Common Interview Mistakes
- (More coming soon)
Portfolio Assignment [Final Project]
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, May 05, 2010 | Cover Letter, Employment, Jobs, life skills, Portfolio, Résumé, typingYou will keep résumés, references, job search tips, typing certificates, awards, etc. in your portfolio. Portfolios will be something you can use to assist you in filling out applications, provide you with a place to keep extra résumés, and help you prepare for interviews.
Some of the things I will be looking for in your portfolio include:
- Résumé
- Cover Letter
- Sample Application
- Typing Certificate
- Letter of Recommendation
- (More coming in the next few weeks)
Maxed Out: Credit Card Debt Movie
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, April 27, 2010 | banking, budget, credit, finance, life skillsToday we will be watching the documentary, "Maxed Out". We will be pausing the movie for brief questions/discussion, but we will use the entire period. Your task today is to watch the movie and take notes which you will turn in at the end of class. These notes will be "extra credit", but I do recommend that everybody do them. This is an important subject which we will finish talking about on Friday.
Today we received a handout called "Handshake Etiquette" which we read and discussed in class. We also received forms to begin our Family Tree research.
The idea behind doing our family tree is that it makes Internet research more personal and connects us with where we come from. In my experience, students develop Internet research strategies as well as a better understanding of history and where we come from.
Students who are uncomfortable researching their own family tree are more than welcome to research a friend. If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please feel free to contact me.
Work on "When you become 18" and Personal Finance workbook...
Posted by Robert Griffith | Sunday, April 25, 2010- Thursday and Friday were spent reading and discussing the "When you become 18" booklet and the Personal Finance workbook.
- Our homework ["What do you wish you had learned in high school?"] was due on Friday as well.
- Also, students need to bring a "portfolio" of some sort and two [or more] sheet protectors.
Today I will give you a copy of "when you become 18" -- a newspaper-like paper we will be using for a few days. Today we will discuss the paper and read pages 2 & 3 which relates [mostly] to driving.
Reminder: Your list of "Things every person should know before being on their own" is due Friday. I'm hoping the ideas you get will help you help me guide the rest of this class.
- Begin practicing MicroType Pro (Lesson R -- Measurement Writing) for 10 minutes.
- I will then have everybody get set to begin the official Typing Exam. When I say "Begin" you will begin the exam. Everybody will wait as I check each score. Then we will begin again. We will take this test three times. I will take your best of three.
Final Typing Practice Before Typing Test
Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, April 15, 2010 | typing- Spend this period practicing MicroType Pro (Lesson R -- Measurement Writing). Show me your score (when you have a score with 2 errors or less) and I will enter it into the gradebook for today's assignment.
Finish Baby Cost Project
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, April 14, 2010 | egg baby, flour baby, sugar baby, typing- Take 10 minutes to practice MicroType Pro (Lesson R -- Measurement Writing).
- Complete the price comparison project from yesterday and add the following:
- Just considering formula and diapers, what is the approximate daily cost of a newborn? A 2 month old? A 4 month old? A 6 month old? An 8 month old? A 10 month old?
- What would be the approximate monthly cost for each group?
- What other costs might there be for caring for a baby? Give specific examples.
We will have our Typing Test on Friday which will determine the speed printed on your typing certificate. If you are not satisfied with your typing score on Friday, just let me know that you aren't ready to receive your certificate and you can take the test again when you are ready.
Baby Product Research
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | egg baby, flour baby, sugar baby, typing- Take 5 minutes to practice MicroType Pro (Lesson R -- Measurement Writing).
- Open Microsoft Word and do some price comparisons:
- Disposable Diapers (Kmart, Walmart). Compare the same sizes from both stores and make a note of how many diapers are in each package. Calculate how much each diaper costs.
- Figure out how many diapers per day a baby uses (BabyStory, KidsGrowth, Babblesoft) -- Newborn, 1-3 Months, 4-6 Months, 7-9 Months, 10-12 Months. Calculate how much it costs per day (for each section) to diaper a baby.
- Figure out approximately how much baby formula a baby should use per day (BabyCenter) for a 6 pound baby, a 10 pound baby, a 15 pound baby, a 20 pound baby, and a 24 pound baby. Compare that to the estimates for a newborn, 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month baby (KidsHealth). On average, how many ounces (approximately) does a baby need each day?
- To prepare formula, you will mix one ounce of powdered formula with two ounces of water (to make 3 ounces of formula). You will need to divide the total formula needed per day by 3 so you know how much powdered formula you need to buy. Check out and find a good price for baby formula -- you might want to figure out the price per ounce to find the best bargain. How much does each ounce of powdered formula cost? Go back and add the daily cost of formula to the previous step (6 pound, 10 pound, 15 pound, 20 pound, 24 pound, newborn, 2 month, 4 month, and 6 month).
Work on Baby Blog [or Book] and Typing
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, April 12, 2010 | egg baby, flour baby, sugar baby, typing- First, work on MicroType Pro (Lesson N Measurement Writing). When you have a score (with 2 errors or less) show it to me and I will write it down for todays typing grade. If you increase your speed and/or accuracy, show me your updated score.
- Next, we need to do your final "Well Baby Checkup". I will sign your paper as I check your typing score.
- You will also need to update your "Baby Blog" [or Baby Book if you aren't doing the blog] as follows:
- Add pictures of your baby's Spring Break with a description of the picture.
- Discuss you experience with the baby project over Spring Break.
- What [if anything] have you learned from the project?
- Did you have any "close calls" (dropping the baby, forgetting it somewhere, etc.)?
- What could we have done to make the experience better -- or more useful?
- Check your 3rd Quarter grade on PowerSchool and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Continue Typing and Baby Project
Posted by Robert Griffith | Friday, April 02, 2010 | flour baby, sugar baby, typingAgain we have several things to get done:
- First, we need to do your "Well Baby Checkup".
- Next, you need to work on MicroType Pro (Lesson M Measurement Writing -- see picture below). When you have a score (with 2 errors or less) show it to me and I will write it down for todays typing grade. If you increase your speed and/or accuracy, show me your updated score. You will have a typing grade for Monday, today, Thursday, and Friday.
- Check your grade on PowerSchool and let me know if you have any questions.
Again we have several things to get done:
- First, we need to do your "Well Baby Checkup". Bring your baby to me with your paper for me to initial.
- Next, you need to work on MicroType Pro (Lesson J Measurement Writing -- see picture below). When you have a score (with 2 errors or less) show it to me and I will write it down for todays typing grade. If you increase your speed and/or accuracy, show me your updated score. You will have a typing grade for Monday, today, Thursday, and Friday.
- Add a new post to your "baby blog" answering this thought: "Things I plan to do over Spring Break -- with my baby."
Continue Baby Project and Typing
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, March 31, 2010 | flour baby, sugar baby, typing- First, we need to do your "Well Baby Checkup". Bring your baby to me with your paper for me to initial.
- Tomorrow is "Picture Day". I will take a picture of you with your baby and then post them on a web page for you to include in your "baby blog" on Friday.
- Next, you need to work on MicroType Pro (Lesson E Measurement Writing -- see picture below). When you have a score (with 2 errors or less) show it to me and I will write it down for todays typing grade. If you increase your speed and/or accuracy, show me your updated score. You will have a typing grade for Monday, today, Thursday, and Friday.
- Add a new post to your "baby blog" answering these questions: "What has been the reaction to your baby so far at home or school?" "Have you taken your baby out in public (i.e. shopping, restaurant, etc.) -- if so, what was the reaction?"
Beginning the Baby Project
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, March 29, 2010 | egg baby, flour baby, Guest Speaker, sugar baby, typing- First, we need to do your "Well Baby Checkup". Today I will sign your baby, sign your "Well Baby" form, take your baby's picture, and give you any last-minute guidance for the project.
- Next, you need to work on MicroType Pro (Lesson A Measurement Writing -- see picture below). When you have a score (with 2 errors or less) show it to me and I will write it down for todays typing grade. If you increase your speed and/or accuracy, show me your updated score. You will have a typing grade for today, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Add a new post to your "baby blog" answering the following questions: How do you feel about having to do the baby project? What do you think you will learn with this project? Were there any difficulties getting started? If you were the teacher, what would you have done different before we started?
- We have a Guest Speaker from Academy of Art University coming tomorrow (Tuesday). They have courses in Art, Architecture, Fashion, Game Design, Motion Pictures, Multimedia, Music, Photography, and Web Design.
- Finally, a brief word about "Guest Speaker Etiquette". I am grateful when a guest speaker is willing to come all the way to Lake County to visit our school. Although I am pretty easy-going on a regular day, I expect polite, respectful behavior when I have a guest speaker
- Keep computers off.
- Do not make random or off-topic comments.
- Do not ask random or off-topic questions.
- Be quiet when he/she is speaking or presenting material.
- Be interested -- or at least act like you are.
- Failure to follow these rules will result in a lower grade and a loss of privileges.
Bring Flour / Sugar "Baby" on Friday
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, March 22, 2010 | egg baby, flour baby, parenting, sugar babyYour assignment is to bring in a 5 lb. "sack" of sugar or flour for our "baby project". Checking prices at various grocery stores around the area, I see that flour and sugar are both approximately $2.39. I recommend you find a sack that is tightly sealed and not leaking. On Monday we will begin decorating our "babies" and I will be signing each one to verify that each remains intact.
You also need to bring some sort of carrier (basket, car seat, sling, etc.) before Monday, 3/29 to transport your "baby".
You may also want to find a picture of a baby's face from a magazine, newspaper, or the Internet to paste on your flour bag (see photo for example).
Let me know if you have ANY questions before Friday.
Month Two Banking Transactions
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, March 16, 2010 | banking, budget, checkingToday we begin our second "month" of transactions. We have many more checks to write, more ATM transactions to register, and more real-world transactions to simulate. It should be fun.
Remember, if you're confused then you're probably doing it correctly. The confusion generally comes because you care about getting this done accurately. It's good to work through the confusion and nervousness when it's not your [or even real] money -- because eventually it will be.
Let me know if I can help you through any of the confusing parts.
Bank Statement and Car Loan
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, March 15, 2010 | banking, budget, checkingToday we will be balancing our checkbook by using our monthly bank statement to "reconcile" the amounts in our check register. We will also be completing an application for a used car and working through a quick budget worksheet to see if we can afford the car.
Try to get your accounts balanced and reconciled because we begin the next months transactions tomorrow.

What I would like you to do today is:
- Check your stocks at Virtual Stock Exchange.
- Complete your 1st months checking transactions.
- Compare your check register and balances with others.
- Work on your typing / practice for upcoming typing certification.
Looking at Investing
Posted by Robert Griffith | Friday, March 05, 2010 | budget, finance, investing- View Video: How the Stock Market Works
- Class Discussion: How do events and stories in the news affect the stock market.
- Discuss the importance of "making money while you sleep".
- Get out your NEFE (Finance) book and turn to page 27: Unit Three - Investing: Making Money Work for You
- Read pages 27-29
- Read & Discuss page 30: The Time Value of Money and The Power of Compounding
Investing #1: The Stock Market
Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, March 04, 2010 | budget, careers, checking, financeDue to unforeseen technical difficulties, we are going to start the Checking Account project on Monday. Instead, we will today look at investing -- specifically the stock market.
Scenario: Your eccentric "Uncle Hoot" left you $100,000 in his "Last Will and Testament" -- the only catch is that you have to invest it all in a U.S. Stock Market and you can't check it out until June 1st.
In order to get started, you need to sign up for an account at the Virtual Stock Market. Just click on "Please Register" and then fill in the blanks (you can use your KHS gmail if you would like). Then click on "Continue". Next you need to join our class game -- in the box that says "Enter the Game ID below" type in KHSGriff (exactly as it looks) and press ENTER (or click the little orange triangle). In the screen that opens up where it says, "This is a Private Game. Enter Game Password" go ahead and put in knights as the password.
[Note: The person who manages to make the most on their stock market portfolio will win a prize and a certificate at the conclusion of the challenge on June 1st.]
After we are signed up for the account, we will discuss how the Stock Market works and the principles of investing.
Here's an interesting old cartoon explaining how the Stock Market works.
Getting Hired / Applying for Checking Account
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, March 03, 2010 | banking, careers, checkingCongratulations! You got the job at Griffith Enterprises!
Make sure your Résumé and cover letter are finished and in your envelope.
Next, go to KHS Daily Bulletin and look over some of the MANY scholarships that are currently available.
Begin Banking Simulation:
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, March 02, 2010 | banking, budget, careers, checkingToday we will begin working on our Banking Simulation by applying for a job:
- You are applying for an entry-level position as a [you decide the job] at Griffith Enterprises -- one of the most prestigious companies in the county. The position pays $2000 per month and you will be paid twice per month ($1000 on the 1st and $1000 on the 15th).
- Complete the Employment Application form that I will pass out in class. You can also download a copy of the application here if you need one.
- Include a Résumé highlighting skills that will reflect this new position..
- Write a Letter of Application / Cover Letter to accompany your résumé. Details for the letter are: Griffith Enterprises, 5480 Main Street, Kelseyville, California 95451. (707) 279-4923. The head of personnel is Robert Griffith.
- Place your application, resume, and cover letter in your large envelope [that I will pass out].
- Write your name on the top-front of your envelope and put your envelope in the black basket on the shelf.
Working With Checks & Registers
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, March 01, 2010 | banking, budget, checkingFirst, spend 10 minutes working on your typing. The typing test will be at the end of the 3rd Quarter, so get that speed up for your Typing Certificate.
You begin with $135.72 in your checking account.
- You receive a Check for $550.00 from your work and Deposit it to your checking account on 3/1/10.
- Write a Check for your rent on 3/1/10 for $525 to Kelseyville Green Apartments.
- You go to dinner at Lyndall's on 3/5/10 for $18.27 and use your Debit Card.
- You send a Check to John Smith in the amount of $31.19 on 3/12/10 for a movie you bought on eBay.
- You receive a Check for $550.00 on 3/15/10 from your work and you Deposit it to your checking account.
- You write a Check for your car payment on 3/16/10 in the amount of $224.72.
- You use Online Banking to pay $124.25 for your PG&E bill.
Begin Banking / Checking Unit
Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, February 25, 2010 | banking, checking, financeToday we will begin discussing banking to prepare for our banking/checking simulation. During the simulation you will be using "checks", credit cards, debit cards, etc. to pay for services and merchandise. We will be applying for a job, filling out the necessary paperwork to start working, look at our pay stubs, pay our bills, balance our checkbook, etc.
Let's begin by looking at banks and credit unions:
- A bank is a for-profit company owned by investors in its stock. These stockholders elect a paid board of directors to manage the bank for them. Anyone can walk up to a bank and open an account.
- A credit union is owned by their customers, who are also called members. These members elect a volunteer board of directors (who are also members) to manage the credit union for them. Credit unions have membership qualifications. By law, each credit union must serve a defined segment of the population. To join a credit union, you have to work for or have a family member who works for an employer in that segment.
Personal Budget Research Project (Complete & Submit)
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, February 23, 2010 | budget, typing- Spend 10 minutes practicing your typing. Work on the Measurement Writing exercises so you can be ready for the Typing Test at the end of the quarter.
- Complete your Personal Budget Research Project (House, Car, and Career). Print your assignment and turn into the basket on my desk. If you aren't able to print from your computer, email your assignment to me at or
Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook to find a career that you are interested in and that will give you the needed income to afford the lifestyle you want.
- One paragraph explaining why this career appeals to you.
- Significant points about the job (See the OOH)
- Training / Education Needed
- Job Outlook
- Earnings (For the Year)
- Related Occupations
Today we will continue our Personal Budget Research and start shopping for a car. Look over a site such as (see link below) to find the car of your dreams -- but try to stay reasonable and keep the price of the car below $35,001.

- What is the year, make and model of your car? (i.e. 1994 Chevy Silverado, 1989 Toyota Celica, etc.)
- How much does the car cost?
- Copy & Paste a picture of your car.
- Use the Car Loan Payment Calculator to figure your monthly payment. Use 8% as the rate and 3 years (36 months) as the term. Calculate 5% as a down payment.
- Monthly Payment: $ ________
- Yearly Cost: $ ________ (Monthly Payment x 12)
- What income would you need to afford this car? (Yearly Cost divided by 12%)
- Look up the Kelley Blue Book value of your car to see if you're getting a good deal. (
- Approximately what gas mileage (mpg = miles per gallon) does your car get?
For todays piece of the assignment I want you to focus your efforts on finding a house. Almost everyone has an idea of where they would like to live and what type of house they would like to own. It's your job to use the links below to find your dream house -- although we need to keep it realistic, so don't spend over $400,000 on the house.
- Where is the house?
- How much does it cost?
- Use the Real Estate Loan Payment Calculator to figure your monthly payment for a 30 year mortgage.
- Monthly Payment (from above)
- Yearly Cost (Monthly Payment x 12)
- Income Needed (Yearly Cost divided by 28%)
- Paste a picture of the house on the page.
- URL (web address) of the site you used
Today we are going to use the spreadsheets.xls file.
Today we did our 10 minutes of typing, then moved on to putting together a "Hard Times Budget". In our hard times budget we came u with the bare minimum cost of living on your own. We came up with expenses of $500 for rent, $75 for utilities, $25 for cell phone, etc. We also created a tab on our budget spreadsheets for the hard times numbers.
After a class discussion of what living expenses can include for people living on their own, we built a spreadsheet to keep track of income and expenses. We then used formatting tools to add color, borders, text alignments, etc. Tomorrow we will continue working on our personal budgets creating a "Regular Budget" and a "Hard Times" tab. There will be some budget research homework this week, but I think we made a great start today.

I am also posting a few video tutorials below which should help you through some of the tough pieces of Microsoft Excel. I am uploading them to in hopes that we can view them inside the school firewall.
NEFE High School Financial Planning Program
Posted by Robert Griffith | Monday, February 01, 2010 | budget, careers, credit, finance, insuranceDuring the next two weeks we will be working through the NEFE High School Financial Planning Program workbook. This is a good, rounded introduction to personal finance for young people. It covers topics such as financial planning, budgeting, investing, credit, insurance, and your career. We will be working through the book, doing some basic homework (mostly involving keeping track of spending, researching prices of items, interviewing friends or family, etc.), and then working on some financial simulations.
We will also continue working on typing during this time. I expect everybody to spend 10 minutes at the beginning of the period working on "Measurement Writing" exercises in the MicroType Pro program. I will begin administering typing tests very soon.
IMPORTANT: This will be the first grade of your 2nd Semester. This assignment counts toward your grade.
Today we will be completing a "Personality Test":
Please go to:
- Sign up for an account
Use your school-related email address - Take both of the tests
1. "Personality Types"
2. "Multiple Intelligences") - Click "My Account"
- Click on your profile page link
Mine is: - Click your Full ____ Profile (mine is INFP)
- Create a title (I used the "INFP - The Dreamer" from the top of the page)
- Copy the top paragraph explaining your personality type and paste in a new Word document
- Copy your "Details" and paste into your Word document
- Copy your "Career Matches" and paste into your Word document
- Copy three quotes from the "About the ____" section and paste into your Word document
- Format your document so that it looks nice and is well organized
- Save your document as Personality Types
- Print and turn in your document
One of the skills that is most lacking in todays' business world is being able to type special characters. Characters such as ñ, é, and ¿. Today we will be learning many of these techniques.
We will also be learning how to create a screen shot with the "Print Screen" button.
Continue working on keyboarding/typing...
Posted by Robert Griffith | Friday, January 15, 2010 | certification, keyboarding, typingI received permission from Mr. Cockerton to offer KHS Typing Certificates when students have met the typing requirement. For the next week, continue working on typing lessons from MicroType Pro. There are twenty lessons (1, R1, 2, ... 20). After we complete those lessons we will begin taking practice typing tests to prepare you for the actual typing test. Once it looks like students are ready, I will begin offering the typing test. Note: I will only certify someone if they have a typing speed of at least 30 wpm with an accuracy of 97% or more. If you prefer to continue working on your typing speed and take the typing test at a later date, I can certify you then -- but I will only certify each student once, so make it count. :)
Have a great 3-day weekend! :)
What do you want to learn?
Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, January 14, 2010 | finance, life skillsWe took the first few minutes of class today to discuss what we want to cover in Life Skills & Personal Finance. We discussed the possibility of working toward a "Typing Certificate" and that seemed to be a pretty popular [almost unanimous] option. We also discussed covering the following:
- Excel
- Financial Responsibility
- Income Tax
- Banking: Checking and Savings
- Housing: Mortgages, Buying vs. Renting
- Loans: House & Car
- Student Loans
- Egg Babies
- College Prep
- Paying for College: Grants, Cash Aid, FAFSA
- Investing
- Insurance (car & health)
- Which bank is best?
- Which insurance companies are best?
Begin Keyboarding...
Posted by Robert Griffith | Tuesday, January 12, 2010 | certification, keyboarding, typingOne of the most valuable skills that people need in todays workforce [and in college] is proper keyboarding. In the business world nearly every job requires some sort of computer use -- and being able to do so more quickly makes you a more valuable employee. In college if you have to write a 6000 word paper and you type 10 words per minute, you can expect to be typing for 600 minutes [or 10 hours]... but if you can type 60 words per minute you will type approximately 100 minutes... or about an hour and a half. Obviously learning proper keyboarding techniques is important.
If our computers handle the typing program properly [if they save our daily typing scores in Thawspace], I am hoping to be able to certify your typing speed by the end of the year. Entering the work force with a typing certificate greatly improves your odds of being hired for many jobs.
To begin with, go to:
- Create a new account with your First and Last name
(Check capitalization because it will print on your certificate) - Begin working through the first section (the top-left corner)
Important: Don't give personal information (last name, age, name of your school, etc.)
(Note: If you prefer to not share personal feelings on a blog, you may print your assignments and keep in a binder to be graded when I grade blogs.)
Looking At Myself: Personality Traits
Click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu) and call it “My Personality Traits”.
Personality Traits: Are you tactful? Bold? Sociable? Quiet? Thoughtful? Energetic? Funny? Sympathetic? Inquisitive? Reserved? Dramatic? Intelligent? List as many traits as you can that describe you.
Click "Publish" to save your post.
Looking At Myself: Skills and Aptitudes
Click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu) and call it “My Skills and Aptitudes”.
What skills have you learned? What comes easily for you? Do you have a special talent for anything in particular? Are you good at working with your hands? Solving problems? Working with people? Are you artistic? A good reader? A welder? A seamstress? An artist?
Discuss as many skills and aptitudes as you can apply
Click "Publish" to save your post.
Looking At Myself: Roles
Click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu) and call it “My Roles”.
Your roles are the different parts you play in your life. Most of these are temporary, though some can go on for many years. Right now, you are probably a son or daughter, a student, a friend. You might also be an employee, a sister or brother, a girlfriend or boyfriend, and so on.
Discuss the different roles you play in your life. Click "Publish" to save your post.
Looking At Myself: Occupations and Vocations
Click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu) and call it “My Occupations and Vocations”.
Occupations (work you do for pay) and vocations (recreational activities) might include you being a babysitter, saxophone player, cook, ballet dancer, skateboarder, or basketball player.
List your occupations and vocations and click "Publish" to save your post.
Important: Don't give personal information (last name, age, name of your school, etc.)
(Note: If you prefer to not share personal feelings on a blog, you may print your assignments and keep in a binder to be graded when I grade blogs.)
Show Me Your… Blogger
First of all, make sure you have a Blogger page made just for this class. We will be posting to the blog regularly for our assignments. You can create as many different blogs as you need under one Gmail address. Simply click on “Dashboard” and then “Create a Blog”.
Next, email me ( with your name (first and last) and the URL of your blog ( If you click “View Blog” you can copy the URL from the address bar. I will be grading your assignments from this address, so make sure you copy it correctly.
The first post in your blog should be the "What Is Success?" post from last week. If you didn't get that finished, look back at the assignment for instructions.
We are beginning this course with a section called "Who Are You?" We will be looking at your skills, aptitudes, learning styles, habits, etc. We will be working toward sections for "Where Are You Going?" as well in which we will be researching college, careers, budgets, and more.
Looking At Myself: My Passions
Now that you’re all set up with Blogger, go to your class Blogger page and click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu). Let’s call it: “My Passions”
A passion is something you feel very strongly about – something for which you have boundless enthusiasm. You might be passionate about music, sports, art, computers, horses, cars, gardening, politics, the beach, marching bands, penguins – you name it! The happiest people are often those who find a way to incorporate their passions into their career. These are the people you’ll hear say things like, “I can’t believe they pay me to do this.”
Think about your own passions. What kinds of things are you passionate about? Are there things that you could do all day long and not get bored?
Discuss your passions in your blog and then click on “Publish”.
Looking At Myself: My Values
Click “New Post” (from the top navigation menu) and call it “My Values”.
Your values are those qualities or things that are most important in your life. Some people may value family or security, while others place more importance on adventure or power. You might value beauty, knowledge, social justice, or independence. You could include your spiritual beliefs, your views on the environment or global warming, your political beliefs, or just things you “know to be right.”
Discuss your values in your blog and then click on “Publish”.
Well, we managed to get through our first week. We actually covered quite a lot of ground! Within the first week, we...
- created email (Gmail) accounts
- created blogs (Blogger)
- created Cover Letters / Appication Letters
- updated our Résumé's
- created Google Docs folders to store our files
- completed an online job application
- sent an email with attachments
As you think of things you would like to cover this semester, please feel free to suggest them.
Thanks for a great first week!
You are applying for a position at Acme Industries:
Acme Industries has an immediate need for a Customer Service Representative seeking casual work environment, competitive salary and benefits and opportunity for advancement. Excellent verbal and written communication skills and proficiency in Excel will be keys to success in this dynamic and stable organization. Will be responsible for customer service and sales support; processing sales orders and returns; and maintaining customer sales order files for Manufacturing - Other company. Great benefits. Apply for this great position as a Customer Service Representative in the manufacturing industry today.
- Create an Application Letter for this position.
- Create a reume for this position (adjust yours to fit)
- Complete the online job application:
Note: Do NOT include your SSN - Save the application to your computer.
- Print the Application (both pages)
- Submit the application packet to the office receptionist (Mr. Griffith)
Finally, I would like you to log in to your Blogger account and add a New Post discussing what your definition of success is. There is no right or wrong answer here -- I just want you to begin thinking about what success means.
Create a Reference Letter / Update Your Résumé / Begin Google Docs
Posted by Robert Griffith | Thursday, January 07, 2010The first thing I would like you to work on today is a Letter of Reference. Generally high school students won't be writing "letters of reference", but knowing what is included in a letter can help students understand what to ask for of teachers, employers, etc.
To begin with, open Microsoft Word and start out as if you're writing a block letter. The format of this letter is a little different. You will use your return address (or a business address), then a date, but you will not be putting a specific addressee. The subject (the person who requested the letter of reference) will take copies of the letter to prospective employers. The letter should explain your relationship with the subject and in what capacity you can vouch for them. You should also include your specific recommendation.
I am including a Sample Reference Letter here.
Next we will be working on our résumé. I understand that the class created résumé's earlier in the year. Rather than creating a new résumé I would like you to update your résumé.
Your résumé should include:
- Personal Information: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, etc.
- Career Objective: Keep it short, indicating your career goal.
- Education: High school & post high school (courses, extracurriculars, areas of study)
- Experience: Jobs (paid & unpaid) including name and address of employer, job title, etc.
- Additional Qualifications: Additional skills, equipment, software, foreign languages, etc.
- Log into your Gmail account using the name and password you created on Tuesday.
- Click on "Documents" at the top of the page to enter Google Docs
- Click "Upload" in the top left corner to get to the "Upload Files" page
- Click "Select files to upload"...
- Select your Résumé and click "Open"
- Click "Select more files"...
- Select your Cover Letter (from yesterday) and click "Open"
- Click "Start Upoad"
Block Letters: Letter of Application / Cover Letter
Posted by Robert Griffith | Wednesday, January 06, 2010Today we worked on creating our first "block letter" -- in this case, a "Letter of Application". These letters (also called cover letters) typically accompany a résumé.
They consist of the following sections:
- Return Address (your address)
- Date (in long form such as "January 6, 2009"
- Destination (Name and Address)
- Salutation (Dear Mr./Mrs. __)
- Body of the Letter
- Complimentary Cloe (Sincerely,)
- Signature (Written by hand in blue or black ink)
- Your Typed Name
- Enclosures? (Enclosure: Résumé)
Our assignment for today is to get set up with a Gmail account and a Blogger page.
First of all, let's try Gmail: Go to and register for a new account. Next we can go to and sign in using our Gmail username and password. I will walk you through this, but there are instructions available here if you would like to complete this at a later time.
We will be using our Blogger pages to keep links, post assignments, etc.